Four Horseman Series hits my “read it” list


Jackie Morse Kessler has a new series. Book one "Hunger" is out and book two "Rage" is due to hit in April. Basic premise is that adolescents are recruited to be the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. (Anyone who has been or raised a teenager will not have any difficulty with the premise)

Now this is NOT the first time someone has drawn the parallel between the Horseman of Famine and anorexia, nor the first time this horseman and modern gluttony have found them selves co-stars, But it is the first time I thought of her as a hero and the story is told in a unique and thoroughly enthralling voice. Read the author before and thought her a good writer and wished she would write something I wanted to read. I have less appetite for junk food in any form than many, she must have heard my wish.

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