I gotta run to the city of refuge..


“Are you done?”
Another way to silence the voice you haven’t heard
Your opinions impenetrable dark prison of fear
Holding you away from loving or being loved.

Disdain drips its poison icicle melting over my enthusuasm
One eyebrow raised incessantly, the trenches around your lips
grow deeper with each pursing

“Why didn’t you…”
“If only you had..”
A thousand different ways to say I am stupid
not enough
but mostly to blame.

Because fault is the language your heart speaks
and even as my mind translates
I know you are right
I should have been done a long time ago

This phase is over and I am out of here
My body may stay put
And my mind may occasionally still function in your presemce
But I am finished.

No more listening
No more catering
No more suffering

I did
I am

more importantly
I probably will be again.

Just not with you.

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