Straight to the Heart, and You’re to Blame

Good Morning!

Things that give love a bad name are buttered movie popcorn, playing addictive phone games, and shopping.

Things that go straight to my heart and kind of give love and my heart a boost are dogs, birds and pigs (sorry cats, you and I have that sort of love that bad young adult romance is based on, I love you, you kill me: i.e we can co-exist only with the assists of decongestants.) Also 50-80’s music and archery and swimming

First time out with Two Moons and loving it. Also great way to see what to fix!
First time out with Two Moons and loving it. Also great way to see what to fix!

That’s me using borrowed equipment on Sunday Mornings at Papago park. I had much fun thanks, and actually got 12 points in my first speed round ever.

Listening to a little Bon Jovi while I bring every body up to date on the life and times of this S.O.F.T. lady complete with stats, goals, recent challenges and needs and amazing life surprises.

Always on to start and end with gratitude let me tell you some of the universe’s recent perfect timing and fun surprises.

Back story on the first one is that I did a good deed that was very hard for me, I lent my Nintendo DS3 to a mom who had more need than I, complete with my Zelda game.
I really missed it last week as I wanted more than anything to disappear into anything game, glass of wine or box of popcorn to avoid the glaring absence of my beautiful old Golden.

Sunday night I got back from archery and the zoo with my honorary grandkids BAM and Tam (and their parents of course) and found a box from Amazon outside my door. Inside was a Disneyworld Nintendo 3DSLX, anonymous gift. So Gifter if you are reading this, like BIG BIG BIG hugs.

So I gave my 3DS, the one I got from Sara to this Mom. Lending her my game until she beats it, or I can replace it. Crap, I guess I am still a little selfish.

So I have real love in my life as well, like, you know, a potential rest-of-my-life partner which is both awesome and kind of freaky for me. He has also joined in with my trips to the gym and eating right, though he is quite calorie focused and I am more nutrition.

I am only on Essiac Tea for the cancer and less PTSD meds for the PTSD. My hair on my head is currently giving me a lovely layer of fuzzy stubble among the parts that didn’t fall out and so my hair has awesome body. Bad news is my genetics are showing and my eyebrows again need daily maintenance, as does my moustache. But this is to say I am getting healthier.

My current stats are 222 lbs, BMI of 42 and body percent fat of 41% (Steroids, self pity eating and couch only energy levels for a year will do that to a girl, but hey, I’m here to whine about it!)

Starting where I am…yesterday my steps were 4229 and it was truly all I could do! My goal is 10,000 steps a day. My swimming goal is a mile in an hour, and well I did 0.3 miles in 50 minutes. Did 25 meter lengths with pause then another length. Down from my first two attempts where I did 50 meters with just a turn.

So what are my big goals?
1. Ability to swim 3 miles open water!
2. Hike the Appalachian trail
3. Live to see Bam, Archer, and Tam graduate High School.
4. Publish a book of my poetry.
5. Publish a new fiction book I can be proud to put my name on.

Not much I know, LOL

What do I need?

Hiking gear
A definite plan…

What can you do to help?

Join me. Support me with comments or donations.

Make it your best day.

For now Namaste.

SOFT Crowfae rides, swims, and runs again.

I have a new gym membership. I really got it for the pool. When I started 5 years ago or so I was literally afraid to put my face in the water, then I got here. 2012-05-17_07-29-53_141. That length I am struggling with in the video is 1/4 of a lap.

I swam 4 laps, only one without a break. Sunday I start C25K, yet again. May have a triathlon in my future , may not. Biking is my bugaboo. sons teach me to ride bike! That is me learning to ride a bike also just a few years ago.

Then stuff happened and it became easier to make excuses than changes and decided to accumulate instead of experience, and watch or read about life instead of live it.

Now there were some reasons I had to do less for awhile, and celebrated my release to push my limits again by taking my date to the gymn.

I am a long way weight, strength and endurance from where I left off, but feel great this morning if more aware of some core muscles I wasn’t using before yesterday.

Strength and endurance are higher hurdles after 55, and when the scale once again tops 200 lbs.

But the biggest hurdle I jump as a SOFT geek (Slow Old Fat Tryathlete) is never the cardiovascular challenge of age and chronic illness, my love of food and crazily thrifty genes; it’s the challenge of allowing myself to look foolish, to be last in competitions , and still repeatedly show up with 100% effort when it’s not my primary skill set.

Who else has to play against the voices from their past (and now luve in their head) that told them to stick to what they were good at and laughed at clumsiness, size and struggle to learn?

But what I know is that I start where I am, and just keep moving forward until I get somewhere I need to go.