Doing something I am actually good at…

 Yup, today I am practicing my truest gift. The gift I excel at above writing, or talking, or even baking. All this training for athletics has left my self-confidence shaken. I needed to try something tonight in which I am the master.  I needed to completely succeed.

And succeed I have. Tonight I am practicing procrastination, have had this blog space open for over an hour while I checked the Rowling update site (yup, I am a Potter fan), read all the new posts on the "Fans of Noank" facebook page, played a couple moves in Lexulous and now it is to late to blog about a rather uneventful day in my ongoing triathlete training. It is time to do my evening stretches and go to bed.

So this is all the blog you get tonight, cause sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes tired is just tired, and that is what I am hoping to learn tomorrow morning is that my lowered exercise stamina has more to do with my sleep times than my low H&H, Hey I have had spinach and arugula today as well as beans just in case its the latter.
Its so rewarding to be this good at something.


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