Eight weeks from my first event and there are so many things i find myself wondering about like how to set up for transitions and what the protocals are for race day.
I also find myself wondering if I will set a new record for longest time evar!
However I am less likely to worry these days if I will even finish. Not that I don’t have a loooooong way to go.
My longest bike ride to date was last Tuesday to the pool and back, this Sprint is 8 miles. Also, although I am making laps in the pool instead of lengths these days, I need to do that four times CONSECUTIVELY, without breaks!
Definitely in the part of training where it is more about discipline for me than motivation. With that said I need to go to sleep now because I have to get in my morning run before work tomorrow and then go swim again tomorrow night.
Slow and steady wins the race…and by that I mean finishes the race….